Miriadua falls is situated in Lici village, Ambidro Parish, Kijomoro Sub-county. The waterfall was previously known to the community as “Kuru Chai” but later renamed Miriadua by the (then) county chief of Maracha, Chief Adua, in 1956. It is said that Chief Adua once visited the area and held a village assembly at Ambidro Parish where among other things he inquired about the name of the falls. During this meeting, the locals reported that the falls were called “Iyi Kuru” locally meaning “rough flowing waters” which was like a general name for all waterfalls in the Lugbara land. It is on this that chief Adua renamed it as Miria Adua after his first born child. 





Alikua Pyramid, a 5 metre high, conical, stone and mud structure was build by the Belgian colonialists in Alikua Village, Yivu Subcounty, Maracha during 1911. Two Belgians are buried under the Pyramid at Alikua including Captain Von Kirkhoven. A.E. Weatherhead, the District Commissioner of that time was said to possess supernatural powers, was murdered by the locals in late 1911 while on a cattle raid with his soldiers and was laid to rest just 200 meters away from the Pyramid but his grave is not recognized because the place is now used for farming . The Belgians built it to signify that they were the first foreigners to settle in West Nile. But after signing the 1911 Agreement, it was heavily guarded by British Protectorate soldiers since West Nile had been transferred to British colonialists. In April 2022, 18 Belgian national visited Alikua Pyramid to fall on the history of the Belgian administration in West Nile.